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ESG is part of our DNA

Sustainability is a principle that we live.


Environment, Social and Governance

ESG, these three letters are becoming increasingly important. They stand for Environment, Social and Corporate Governance and embody the commitment to make Edscha a more environmentally friendly company, to make a positive contribution to social development and to ensure sustainable and responsible corporate management.

We have already achieved a great deal on the path to CO2 neutrality and sustainable development, as the sustainability reports in recent years impressively show.
Sustainability is a principle that we live.

Sustainability Report 2023 (PDF)
Sustainability Report 2022 (PDF)
Sustainability Report 2021 (PDF)
Sustainability Report 2020 (PDF)

You can find sustainability management certificates of our locations here

Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct defines the minimum standards applicable to all employees throughout the world.

These guidelines are based on fundamental values from the fields of human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and anti-corruption, as well as the principle of legality, which obligates Edscha to observe the laws of the countries in which the company is active. The highest possible degree of honesty and integrity characterise our actions.

Download here the code of conduct in different languages:

Code of Conduct German
Code of Conduct Chinese
Code of Conduct English
Code of Conduct French
Code of Conduct Japanese
Code of Conduct Korean
Code of Conduct Portugese
Code of Conduct Russian
Code of Conduct Slovak
Code of Conduct Spanish
Code of Conduct Czech

General policy statement

You can find our Human Rights Policy following this link. This is substantiated with regard to environmental concerns by our Environmental Corporate Policy and the ESG Requirements for Suppliers. Further policies on the subject of ESG can be found here.


Gestamp has a Code of Conduct that includes its Vision, Corporate Principles and Rules of Conduct and that also applies for the Edscha-Group as part of Gestamp. It is conceived as the foundation of our commitment to integrity and it serves as a reference for anyone with doubts about what they might be expected to do in a given situation. It affects all of the Group's employees and it is everyone's responsibility to know and comply with it.

In order to handle communications relating to the Code of Conduct, whether they are suggestions, inquiries, concerns or breaches, Gestamp has set up an internal channel, and the external SpeakUp Line, for use by employees and anyone associated in some way with the Group (employees, customers, suppliers, collaborators, partners, shareholders and investors and local communities, among others).

In particular, the SpeakUp Line also serves as a complaints channel (especially in accordance with the German Whistleblower Protection Act and the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act) for reports of violations of the Code of Conduct, including violations of the law. 

Gestamp guarantees the confidentiality of all communications and the persons making them. Gestamp will only use the information to clarify the facts in the event of reports of breaches of conduct, whereby the anonymity of the correspondent will always be preserved. 

For more detailed information, please refer to our Internal Information System Policy (German/English/Spanish) and the Internal Information System Management Procedure (German/English/Spanish).