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Edscha Japan starts customer offensive

TechShows at Japanese OEMs.

Edscha has been a guest at four major Japanese OEMs in recent weeks to present its know-how and its most important innovations at TechShows. The first event was held at Nissan on October 20. Further events at Toyota, Mazda and Honda followed this. 

On average, around one hundred visitors took the opportunity to find out about Edscha's product portfolio and important new developments on site. Not only fully functional exhibits such as the Edscha Power Door and the Active Frunk offered the opportunity to do so.

Edscha's Japan team had also equipped several demo vehicles with Edscha products so that visitors could experience their advantages at firsthand. In addition, the Japanese team, which was supported at the TechShows by colleagues from Germany and the USA, also had numerous product samples with them. This made it possible to arouse the visitors' interest and get into conversation with them.

Overall, the TechShows were a complete success with Japanese customers. This was particularly evident from the response of visitors to the events. Almost all guests found it very helpful and useful for further cooperation to find out about Edscha and its products and to learn more about Edscha's know-how and expertise.   


Numerous employees from leading Japanese OEMs took the opportunity to find out more about Edscha at TechShows.

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Edscha Holding GmbH
Michael Geske