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Industry 4.0

Digitalization and worldwide standardization of industrial production.

Our goal

“Our goal is to make the benefits of digitalization tangible for the company and employees by 2025. By that time we want to have streamlined, simplified and standardized our processes.”

Industry 4.0 stands for digitalization and worldwide standardization of industrial production. In this context, digitalization in particular plays a key role in ensuring the success for companies with global operations; it is critical to long-term success. 

Our push towards Industry 4.0 pursues the goal of preparing Edscha early and in a professional manner for the future. We are constantly working on initiatives to integrate and maximize the potential of new technologies in order to achieve our goal, the Smart Factory.

You can read more details here

Industry 4.0 - Gestamp Smart Factory

Our vision is to create more efficient and flexible manufacturing plants and more consistent and reliable processes through the analysis of our data, by adding intelligence to the processes and getting the right information to the right people.